Parallel Sessions

The Scientific Committee for the EAPC Congress 2021 were delighted to receive 95 proposals for parallel sessions.  Proposals were received from countries around the globe, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malawi, Italy, the Netherlands, UK, Germany, Finland, Belgium……and many more.

 The EAPC would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who submitted a proposal; the standard was exceptionally high and we appreciate all the hard work and commitment that was shown in preparing the proposals. We received 24 proposals from EAPC Reference Groups and Task Forces.

 As the congress motto is „Exploring new dimensions“, most of the proposals were given to the thematic track „Innovation and new technologies“, followed by „Education and Advocacy“ and „Psycho-social and spiritual care“. One complete session was proposed as a video session.

The scientific committee considered each proposal and undertook the hard task of choosing 20 parallel sessions from the 95 submitted. The decision of the scientific committee was communicated to those submitting proposals in September. If you submitted a proposal and did not hear the outcome please contact 

 Of course there will be further opportunities to present through the submission and selection of abstracts.  We look forward to receiving these and to a great conference in 2021.