17th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care
Live sessions 6 – 8 October 2021 | Online

The congress platform is live. Log in now at online.eapcnet.eu
If you attended the congress in 2020 or if you were given early access to upload your poster then the login details remain the same. If you have forgotten your username and password please:
- Go to https://online.eapcnet.eu/login/forgot_password.php
- Enter the email address you registered to the congress with into the search bar in lowercase to generate a further automated email from the site. Please check your junk folder for this.
- If you are still having difficulties email info@eapcnet.eu and we can manually reset your account for you.
Words of Welcome
Dear Congress Participant,
We are delighted to invite you to the 17th World Congress of the EAPC online.
All of us are experiencing growing demand, changing practice, and increasing challenges to the delivery of palliative care. The 17th World Congress “Exploring New Dimensions” will give you the opportunity to be re-energised; to hear about exciting innovations and progress from within our palliative care community, as well as valuable contributions from the wider services and communities with whom we work…